Robert May 2024 Scaled Aspect Ratio 1200 384

CEO Perspectives

Reflections on the workplace, company culture, and other business topics from Robert Ang.

Earning vs Deserving

Everyone remembers their first job. Mine was working as a contract employee for the post office during the holiday period, handling the inevitable massive influx of letters and parcels.

Satisfaction in Excellence

How’s this for a unique hobby? I make high-end vacuum tube hi-fi equipment. And when I say "high-end," I mean serious craftsmanship—equipment that competes with systems priced in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Comfort is the Enemy?

We live in a world where the pursuit of comfort seems natural, even desirable. But comfort, especially in the work environment, is often a fiction and, in many cases, a trap.

Finding Joy in Work

One aspect I am deeply passionate about is finding joy in work. This enthusiasm is the motivation behind a six-part series that I will be sharing over the coming months, which includes this introductory article and subsequent pieces